Friday, December 11, 2009


Get it.

Don't ask why.

Just do it because I told you to.

UPDATE: Maybe not.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009


For someone in a traditionally female occupation, it's unexpected that I'm not much of a feminist. After all, out of the entire animal kingdom it's usually the female of the species that determines if sex is going to happen at all. But hear me out

Feminism actually struck a crippling blow to the sex industry. A hundred years ago, if a young man had The Itch and was in need of intimate companionship, his only choices were to either find some desperate old hag or a young professional ladyfriend like myself. Now of course, women have been told that they need to take charge of their own sex lives (a good thing) and that to fully seize this opportunity they need to go around having sex with anyone they fancy (not so much a good thing). This leaves the professionals with a much smaller market share. Bitches. But I'm not bitter - we just need to step up the game, and after all they're only amateurs.

I'm not always on duty, though. Fairly often I'll be out with the girls having drinks or dancing or whatever, and I can smell the boys out there lurking, waiting for the opportunity to cut one of us from the herd. I can't even walk from the bar to the ladies room without some yag snaking up on me to try and lay his thing down (doesn't he get that I have to pee?!), and in those situations my best defense is a business card. It says "private dance" for legal reasons, but it usually gets the point across.

Which brings me to today's pearl of wisdom - about nine times out of ten the guy's immediately put off, indignantly insisting that he doesn't pay for sex, he doesn't HAVE to pay for sex, he's got women lined up. Which explains why he's perving on me outside the ladies room door.

Look guys, you *always* pay. Whether it's time, attention, gifts, flowers, or just listening to us prattle on about stuff we KNOW you don't care about (and yes, we know you don't care - we yammer about our mothers' gallstones because we want someone to LISTEN for awhile). You're always going to have to do something you don't want to do in order to get in her pants. Slay the dragon, rescue the princess. It's a biological imperative, and we're both stuck with it. Paying money is just the quickest, easiest dragon to slay.

But it's not just the convenience - we're good. If you find the right girl for you, it can be an extremely rewarding experience. However, you're not going to find her out on Pike Street. You're going to find her at a bachelor party, or in a classified ad, or just hear about her from a friend. She's going to be the girl who gets five thousand of your hard-earned dollars and worships you like a pagan sex god for the weekend. You'll pay because we're worth it, and you'll become a better, more motivated man because of it.

It's all about value. Every person has something valuable about them. Some skill, talent or character trait that makes them desirable to others and that trait can be capitalized upon with the proper marketing. It's not just about knowing you have this skill, or knowing where to make your pitch.

You also need to know your own value.

You see, we're all whores.

Never sell yourself short - if you're good at something, set your price and stick to it. If you drop your price even one time, the buyer's going to expect to get that price all the time from then on unless you do some very hardball negotiating or upgrade the service. Either way, it's more work on your end, so to speak.

Now, most of you reading this know I play Second Life because I'm a nerd in my off hours. I've had Hard Alley flashbacks when dancing in RL clubs, and I've made fun of other girls clothing as "low rez". It's just how I do things. Guess what? I'm complex.

And yes, I do the same things in Second Life that I do in Real Life. Why? I find it entertaining, and I love people. Also, I get to try out some more creative moves in SL and see what turns people on. I get to explore kinks and fetishes that I'd probably never get the opportunity to even encounter in real life, and I broaden my horizons and I like to think it makes me a more interesting person in certain areas. It also pays the bills - did I mention that? But I digress.

So there are the freebie girls in Second Life, women (and apparently, a sizable quantity of men(!)) who go out to get used and abused and whatever by random guys, and as I said in the opening of this wee diatribe, this cuts into my business! Who's going to buy Ghirardelli when they can fill up on Nestle Quik for free?

They learn the difference when they taste the Ghirardelli, but you have to make them want that taste.

Granted, men of discerning taste don't just rain from the sky. A lot of guys are satisfied with a drunken handjob from some random slut they meet in a nightclub. That's fine. Guys like that have low expectations in life, and as a result probably don't have the kind of income required to buy better chocolate.

Still, girls! Know your value! Don't ever sell yourself short, especially *as* a woman in a world of men. I'm not saying every woman needs to go out and sell her body, or demand specific rewards for each act of love. But you have to know your value. Are your charms worth more than the five drinks that guy bought you? Almost certainly. If your loving has any value at all, to yourself or your man (men, women, tentacle monsters, etc) pick a value and stick to it. Does your lover come over, track dirt on your floor, ignore your new hairdo, eat your food and then expect access to your vagina? MAKE him pay attention. Don't be afraid to tell him the things you need done, and above all don't feel cheap about laying down the price you expect him to pay.

Make sure he realizes you're not "charging him for sex". The things you expect from him are the things you need in order to feel safe, loved and comfortable. The extra time and attention are what you need to feel appreciated, and in turn that makes you want to appreciate him right back in spades. Once he realizes how much better the loving is when he shows his appreciation, he'll stop junking up your house, start doing dishes, come home early and often!

Before I realized my value, I had a boyfriend who acted just like that. He was extremely inconsiderate, but expected physical affection all the same, and I put up with it for a little while. When I finally got up the courage to tell him that I didn't feel appreciated enough to have sex with him anymore, and gave specific reasons why, he told me I was acting like a prostitute. His actual words were "If it's not for sale, don't put a price tag on it."

It took me awhile to realize the wisdom coming from the jawbone of an ass, but I eventually admitted that he was 100% correct, but for the wrong reasons. We're *all* for sale, every day. We sell our time, our sweat, our creativity, our sex, to the people who need it. And there IS a price on it, always and without exception. The only question is who's going to pay that price - you or him?

Know your value.

Once you lower your price, that's the price.

Monday, December 7, 2009

Single White Female ISO 3-Pound Sex Organ

I'm talking about the brain, you pervs! Ha, but you clicked anyway.

Seriously though, so many people get hung up on their bodies when it comes to sex - the size of this, the shape of that, color, smell, hair, tattoos, that they forget to actually have *fun* with their lover's body and especially their mind. In short, they end up having a one-sided experience which amounts to little more than masturbation using someone else's body.

I really love to love a lover with a creative mind! When I'm with someone who can just blow me away with an unusual touch or unexpected pleasurement (it's a word now), I just can't get enough of being with them. That doesn't mean I don't like good old fashioned "meat-n-potatoes" sex, don't get me wrong. I just love surprises.

For example, a few months ago I'd had a friend over for an evening together, and in the morning I left him sleeping while I went out to get coffee and pick up a few things. When I came back, I discovered that he'd taken sheets and blankets and hung them up around my apartment, creating a labyrinth! What the hell! So I forgot all my day-plans, dropped everything (purchases and clothes) in the living room and quietly searched through the labyrinth for my friend. He was well hidden, but I found him anyway! It was a morning to remember.

Every now and then I discover a new kink or, more often, make a new friend who is into a kink that I've heard of but never experienced. Well, being trisexual, let it never be said about me that there was something I was afraid to try. You never know what you'll find yourself exhiliarated to do. And yes, sometimes that new kink is just as weird and disturbing as it sounded, but at least you know from experience.

Get creative tonight! Surprise that special (or not-so-special) someone with a new twist. Reward them with monopoly money for chores or kindnesses, and allow them to hire you for whatever acts of love they desire. Make a sex tape. Bring toys. Play "Hide and Fuck".

And someone get me some chocolate! I'm about half frisky now.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

"RP" does not stand for "Reciting from Paper"

I've been meaning to put together a blog for SL sexworkers (informed from RL experience) for awhile now, but an experience the other day really put it on the front burner for me.

So yes, I'm a Second Life prostitute. I have virtual sex with total strangers for money. I'm often amused by the variety of men who IM me by finding my name on various groups like Nice Ass, Cheap Whore, or Gang Bang Club, but don't bother to read my profile.

So four or five times a night, I'll get an IM from some guy introducing himself and after a few moments of small talk he proceeds to "lay his thing down" and start trying to close the deal. That's when I send him my business card, and right away he goes into the whole "lol i dont pay for sex" part of the conversation. Maybe he doesn't. Maybe he's that hot. Maybe he's got low standards. Whatever. Maybe he doesn't pay for sex, but I GET paid for sex so clearly one of us is in the wrong conversation.

Now, fairly often I can explain to this superstud exactly why I get paid for sex. This is, after all, Second Life and a lot of women are fairly repressed and just want to act out their fantasies with random guys and no-strings-attached sex. Apparently there are also a lot of people who are just perverts and want to act out the most outlandish fantasies imaginable (google "Dolcett" but do it before lunch).

There are even more interesting variations on the "freebie girls" which I'll get into later, but for whatever reason there are plenty of female avatars on Second Life who are more than willing to have cybersex for free. There are also plenty of places to get clothing and gadgets for free but, like anything else, you get what you pay for. I get paid for sex because I'm good. I provide an interaction. I make my men feel good and want more. That's how it's done, online and off.

"So There I Was..."

I routinely get cold calls on Second Life from various guys who just skim through my groups, as I'd said before. Well, the other night some guy wussup'd me (that was his actual opener, "wussup lol") and got straight to the point - he wanted sex. Fine. I got straight to the point - I wanted money. We proceeded to the usual back and forth. He doesn't pay for sex lol. I *get* paid for sex. He can get free sex anywhere lol. Then enjoy your freebies, hon. Okay I'll give you 650 lol. Fine, my place my rules. Okay but I'm wearing my minotaur av lol. Bonus.

And yes, he ended every line with lol. What the hell. Freud had much to say about the Simian Grin of Appeasement with regard to human insecurity.

Cut to my place. Pretty much the whole house is sexgen. You could fuck me on the stove if you swung that way. (I don't really have a sexgen stove, but haaaawtness!) He has a minotaur av (!) and no penis. No problem - I've seen this before. I have a whole drawer full of "Boys Toys", and I rummage through it to find something for him to do me with. He forks over the paltry sum and we get down to business.

Only he doesn't want to actually do any of the work. Apparently for the king's ransom of L$650 I get to do all the typing. Whatever. I'm good, and I'd just as soon not listen to this idiot's pillow talk anyway. ("bangin ur pussy lol") I drop him on the couch and go down on him and start warming myself up a bit. Things go well enough, despite a sim restart, and I end up doing a fairly decent half-and-half on him. (I'm not bringing my "A" Game for L$650, "lol") I'm not even irritated when he bails before I come ("Thanx babe i came lolthx bye"). I'm pretty much okay with him going. I'd rather not owe one of my orgasms to him anyway.

"The Lesson"

He IMs me that night (Why did I let him friend me? I have RULES about this!) and he wants a free refill. Sorry hon, no freebies. He doesn't pay for sex lol. Enjoy freebie island then. And so on, and so forth. I only told you this part of the story so you'd know where I'm coming from for the next part.

So now this guy begins lecturing me on my roleplay. Apparently his freebie girls provide "ten times the content", which begged the question.....content? So he loftily deigns to share with me an example of what a "proper RP" from a "proper woman" (!) looks like.

I literally giggled out loud. I say it a lot, but it doesn't often happen.

This RP he sent me was several paragraphs of a woman shoving him against a tree, her "knowing hands" tearing at his belt. What exactly do her hands know? Was this from his letter to the Penthouse Forum or something? Then she's on her knees, "sweetly and roughly worshipping his fuckstick" and I pretty much stopped reading.

Okay, reality check here. Rough estimate RL I've probably sucked between eight hundred and a thousand cocks, and I've never once called one a "fuck stick". I don't know any women who have. I can't imagine one doing so, although I'm sure "fuck stick" features in many a porn movie and wank book. There's no way a chick wrote this, let alone a "proper woman".

So I pointed out that whatever *guy* wrote this RP doesn't have the first clue what sex is like for a woman. He informed me that I was dead wrong, that he knew for a fact that RP was excellent and spot on, because he had written it himself. I let the irony slide right on by me, and allowed him to educate me as a proper woman, pretty much just for the sardonic thrill of it.

"The Money Shot"

So here's the subject of my first blog, at long last. Apparently there's a small community of RPers out there who have a collection of hardcore porn stories in their inventories, and they just go through cutting and pasting several paragraphs at a time. This is easily spotted in real time, since anyone who could type at the requisite rate to make this happen probably wouldn't misspell the word "orgasm" or even know the word "fuckstick". It also usually has little or nothing to do with what's going on, and ignores any deviation or content from other players.

People, that is not roleplay. It's storytelling. If you want to get me off, involve me in what's going on. Show me you're paying attention. In short, PLAY with me. Let's do this together. I promise you with all my heart we'll have so much more fun. We can do better than this, and that's just with the two of us. Bring friends! Bring enemies (awkwaaard)! Bring monsters! Bring your other lovers! Don't have sex *at* me, have sex *with* me. I'll make it worth your time, and more than worth your money.

They say that a prostitute doesn't get paid to have sex with you, that she gets paid to go away when you're finished. That's partly true. Convenience is a big part of it, of skipping all the social interaction and getting straight to the action. But there's also experience. Nobody with a burst appendix is going to say "I don't pay for surgery lol". They want the job done right, and that requires convenience, experience and most of all effort.

The reason I get paid to have sex with you is because I take the time to make that connection with you. I do my best to show you that I have made it my personal priority to bring you pleasure, that for the next 20, 30 or 90 minutes, I'm all yours.

And we connect.

Reciting a bunch of silly porn off a script leaves no possibility of having that connection. I know it's easy to dismiss the importance of personal connection in virtual sex, but as a RL sex worker I can tell you that 95% of sex work is *all* about making that connection. The world is full of lonely people, surrounded by lonely people, perhaps half a dozen within arm's reach. With the internet, we now have hundreds of millions of lonely people surrounded by hundreds of millions of lonely people, as close as our fingertips.

So let's connect.

My name is Dina, and I love you. Come play with me.